- The full text of the article can be submitted together with the abstract.
- All abstracts must be submitted according to the following instructions before May 01, 2025
- For all types of abstracts, speakers are expected to submit a structured abstract through our abstract submission system.
- The results of the evaluation of the abstracts will be notified to you by e-mail after the blind peer review.
- Accepted abstracts will be published in conference abstract book after register.
- All presentations should be prepared in English
- Presentations can be presented as oral and/or posters.
- Only original research will be accepted as papers for the congress, review articles will not be accepted.
- In order for the abstract’s acceptance, it is mandatory for the presenting author to register for the congress.
- Font: Times New Roman 12pt
- Spacing: Single line spacing, A4 size and with 2.5 cm margins from the edges.
- Title: Abstract should be 14 points, bold and the first letters of the words should be capitalized.
- Limitations: Abstracts should be prepared in English with a maximum of 600 words. (Do not count the title, author names and institutions)
- Author names-surnames should be clear and the first letters should be capitalized. The name of the author who will make the presentation should be underlined.
- Institutions of the authors should be indicated with indices and written in italics.
- The e-mail address of the presenting author should be specified.
- Naming your abstract file (use Microsoft Word)
- “Oral” and “Poster”
- Dash (–)
- Last name of First Author
Example: If you (Dr/Mr/Ms. Guven) are submitting two abstracts, one for an Oral presentation and another one as a Poster, you should name them: Oral- Guven.docx and Poster-Guven.docx
- For oral presentations, there will be a total time limit of 15 minutes as 10 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion.
- Posters should consist of an informative title, introduction, methods, results and discussion with references.
- Presentation title, author names and addresses should be on the top of the posters.
- Posters should be prepared in 90 cm (length) x 60 cm (width) in size.
- Poster owners will physically present their posters on the boards in the poster area during the congress.